Tainted Love

By Lisa Kroger

We all know love hurts, but when do love and horror meet? As it turns out, the line between love and hate really is pretty thin. In honor of the holiday (you know the one), I’ve compiled a list of some of the best reading and watching for those of us feeling a little less than romantic. 

  • Over at NPR, you can read about the dark history of the day. Funnily enough, Valentine’s Day always did involve hearts…these just have a little less chocolate filling. Two men (aptly named Valentine) were executed on the day. And if you were in ancient Rome, cupid was a little more drunk and violent than we know him today. Tell that to the cynic who says this is just a holiday made up by Hallmark!
  • Speaking of history, Atlas Obscura explains how the Victorians used to send “vinegar valentines.” You know, sometimes a well-crafted insult is worth its weight in gold. 
  • If you’re feeling a bit lonely today, try watching Takashi Miike’s Audition (1999).  I guarantee you that you’ll be glad you skipped out on some awkward set-up with a date. 
  • If you feel that this is just a holiday for the beautiful people of the world, well, then let Jeremy Haun and Jason A. Hurley change your opinion of beauty. In their graphic novel, aptly titled Beauty (Vol. 1, 2016), beauty is more of a curse than something to hope for. 
  • What happens when a romantic getaway ends up in the hands of Stephen King? Gerald’s Game (1992) is a tale that involves a dead husband and a wife handcuffed to the bed, and that’s just the beginning. 

Happy Valentine’s Day from the Know Fear Cast…however you choose to celebrate!

Matt Saye